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For citizens of Vietnam eager to explore the wonders of Turkey, understanding the intricacies of the TURKEY VISA FOR VIETNAM CITIZENS is paramount. In this comprehensive guide, we provide Vietnamese citizens with all the necessary information to navigate the Turkish visa requirements seamlessly.

Visa Types for Vietnamese Citizens

Turkey offers various visa types to accommodate different travel purposes. As a Vietnamese citizen, it’s crucial to identify the most relevant visa category for your intended stay. Common visa types include tourist visas, business visas, and student visas, each with specific requirements.

Tourist Visa Requirements

1. Passport Validity

Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay in Turkey. Verify the availability of blank pages for visa stamps.

2. Visa Application Form

Complete the Turkish visa application form accurately, ensuring all information aligns with your passport details. Precision in filling out the form is crucial for a successful application.

3. Passport-Size Photographs

Attach recent passport-size photographs adhering to Turkey’s specified guidelines. Follow the criteria for background color, facial expressions, and overall photo quality.

4. Flight Itinerary and Hotel Reservations

Include a confirmed round-trip flight itinerary and proof of hotel reservations in your application. These documents indicate your commitment TURKEY VISA FOR SOLOMON ISLAND CITIZENS to returning home and outline your accommodation plans.

5. Financial Proof

Provide evidence of financial stability during your stay, such as recent bank statements, salary slips, or a letter from your employer confirming your financial standing.

Business Visa Requirements

Vietnamese citizens planning business activities in Turkey should consider the following additional requirements:

1. Letter of Invitation

Obtain a letter of invitation from your Turkish host or business partner, detailing the purpose and duration of your visit along with contact information.

2. Company Documents

Include relevant company documents, such as a letter from your employer stating the nature of your business in Turkey.

3. Chamber of Commerce Attestation

Certain business visas may require Chamber of Commerce attestation for your company documents. Verify the specific requirements for your visa category.

Student Visa Requirements

Vietnamese citizens intending to pursue education in Turkey should consider the following additional requirements:

1. Acceptance Letter from a Turkish Institution

Provide an official acceptance letter from the Turkish educational institution where you have been accepted.

2. Financial Guarantee

Demonstrate financial capability to support your education in Turkey. This may include bank statements or a letter from a sponsor.


Embarking on a journey to Turkey as a Vietnamese citizen demands meticulous preparation and adherence to visa requirements. By compiling all necessary documents accurately and following the guidelines for your specific visa category, you increase the likelihood of a successful application.

Now, armed with this comprehensive guide, embark on your Turkish adventure with confidence, knowing that you have fulfilled all the necessary steps for a smooth visa application process.

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