
Is There Any Racism Prevalent Abroad for International Students? 



Well, facing racism can devastate your confidence for some time. Have you ever been through such kind of situation? If yes, then you must have felt bitterness in your heart for those people who did that to you and it becomes really hard for us to forgive them. 

Remember the time when Gandhi also went through such an experience and was thrown off the train in South Africa based on racism? Yes, of course! Everyone knows that. But Gandhi ji used this experience to set his nation free from the shackles of slavery. 

You might be wondering if this kind of racism is still prevalent abroad. Well, to know this, you have to read this article. For sure, racism shapes the college experience of international students. Let us tell you one thing international students contribute to the economy of the foreign nation to an extensive level.

Moreover, the bad experiences of these students will affect the economy of these nations by demeaning the value of prominent colleges abroad. Therefore, the authorities also work hard to reduce such kind of bad experiences among international students and try their best to let them have an incredible experience while studying abroad. 

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Let’s discuss if there any racism prevalent abroad for international students:

You can experience racism in very rare cases due to some reasons but this won’t be as large as in cases of a few nations. Yes, a few nations have bars and restaurants that strictly prohibit the entry of Indians but foreign countries like the USA, Canada, the UK, etc. are the countries that welcome cultural diversity wholeheartedly. However, racism can be experienced due to these cases:

A Few Bad Experiences 

A few bad experiences of foreigners can develop a bad image of Indians. Also, a few people in India discriminate based on colors and clothes but this kind of discrimination is almost absent in foreign nations. An interaction with a few bad people can develop a bad image of the Indians in the eyes of the foreigners. Therefore, if you interact with these people then, for sure, you can face rejection. Such as when renting a room, parking a car, etc. 

These cases are very rare. All in all, people don’t experience racism on a large scale as the foreigners know the importance of cultural diversity. 


It is important for international students to have a look at the reality of international students in the locations where they are traveling. In fact, multiple YouTube platforms are available for your help to know the reality of the different locations where international students travel. Therefore, make sure to have a look at the YouTube channels to know the reality of the different locations of your dream destination. Check all details before going to any country if you want to 

Our Own Beliefs and Experiences 

Sometimes, the beliefs and experiences of the students in their hometowns restrict them from, interacting with new people. As we have already told you discrimination can happen in your own nation as well on the basis of clothes, color, and caste, and in India, it is prevalent to this date. Therefore, students often hesitate to connect with new people, especially belonging to different cultures. 

You have to understand that it is not the nation that discriminates, it is a few people who discriminate and these few people exist in every nation and your nation as well. Therefore, it is a big issue and the right upbringing and education can reduce it. So just believe in yourself and don’t hesitate to make new friends. 

Moreover, are you in search of the best suggestions from incredible people? Well, you can link with the topmost immigration consultants in Amritsar to have profound help with the complete visa application process. 


All in all, these are a few cases that can lead to racism and a bad experience stays in your mind for a very long time. But the policies developed by the authorities and the right attitude can help the students have an incredible experience.

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