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Exploring the Various Types of Indian e-Visas



India has streamlined its visa application process with the introduction of electronic visas (e-Visas), making it easier for travelers to obtain authorization to visit the country. e-Visas are available for various purposes, including tourism, business, medical treatment, and more. In this guide, we’ll explore the different types of TYPES OF INDIAN EVISA and their specific purposes.

1. e-Tourist Visa (eTV)

The e-Tourist Visa (eTV) is one of the most popular types of e-Visas for travelers visiting India for tourism purposes. It allows eligible travelers to apply and receive approval electronically before traveling to India. The eTV is valid for short stays of up to 90 days and is available for tourism, sightseeing, visiting friends and family, attending cultural events, and other recreational activities.

2. e-Business Visa

The e-Business Visa is designed for individuals traveling to India for business-related activities, such as attending meetings, conferences, exploring business opportunities, or negotiating contracts. Like the e-Tourist Visa, it is available for short stays of up to 90 days and allows travelers to apply and receive approval online.

3. e-Medical Visa

The e-Medical Visa is intended for individuals seeking medical treatment in India. It is granted to patients who require specialized medical care or procedures not available in their home country. With the e-Medical Visa, travelers can apply and receive approval electronically before their travel to India.

Applying for an e-Visa

To apply for an e-Visa to India, travelers must visit INDIAN VISA REJECTED the official website of the Indian Visa Online Application System and complete the online application form. Applicants must provide accurate and truthful information, along with supporting documents such as a valid passport, recent photographs, proof of travel arrangements, and proof of accommodation in India.


e-Visas have simplified the visa application process for travelers visiting India, offering convenience and efficiency. Whether you’re traveling for tourism, business, medical treatment, or other purposes, there is an e-Visa option to suit your needs. By understanding the different types of Indian e-Visas and their specific requirements, travelers can navigate the application process with ease and embark on a memorable journey to India.

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